August 1994. Los’ HNS FATALITY. On 5th February a large party of ULSA cavers descended Lost Johns on Leck Fell, Whilst three members of the party were ascending the boulder pile leading upto the rope climb into Lyle Cavern, the boulder slope suddenly collapsed. One of the party, Paul Lyons, was caught in the fall and was subsequently left trapped by boulders near the bottom of the slope. Whilst members of the party initiated a rescue callout, others managed to free Paul from the extremely unstable boulder pile at some considerable danger to themselves. Sadly despite the impressive efforts of the CRO (which at one poin saw over 70 personnel underground), Paul died while being evacuated from the cave. This tragic and extremely unfortunate incident should serve as a pertinent reminder to cavers of the dangers of boulder chokes, even on the most well-used of trade routes The boulder slope leading up to Lyle Cavern is now extremely unstable and it still appears to be on the move. Cavers intending to visit Lost Johns,Cave in the near future are advised to proceed with tne uf most caution here or, preferably, to stay away from the area completely Taken from April/may Descent, a warning to anyone thinking of doing Lost John’s some time this summer. HCHCHEHGHEHAHGHGHGHAHGEGHAE We are advised by the CRO to refraim from making any comments to the pres&’ about incidents. This applies particularly to your personal views on the activities of the victims even if they have been thorough prats t. HOPEFULLY THIS IS AN UPTO DATE AND INVIROMENTLY FRIENDLY MEMBERS LIST, PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR DETAILS ARE ON THE LIST AND IF SO ARE CORRECT. IF NOT PLEASE LET ME KNOW, OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT RECIEVE FUTURE NEWSLETTERS IF YOU MISS A MEETING. page Present Home Phone Surnane Post Code Mork Phone 1 arnold élison 2 danks John 3 Heaunoat —_‘Redrey : frandnood Sharan 3 frat ely é rookies = Jane 7 furnett Wail 8 Conde Neil 9 Cond darren 0 Conde Tracy u Cooger figel n Crane eorge B crane carole Ke avis falcole 6 Ounles Kevin is unleavy Tan D Edoonds brian u evans foss 15 Falkner reith 20 Forster eter 21 foster hick 2 Gillett John % rine Abert 2 Grindey lan 5 Hansen Dee Red ted % fansan-Abbott Adrian eaacte 7 Hobbins qelt 2 folecroft Paul 2 Housley Tan 0 Johnson Raloh u Johnson arguerite R Jose andy u fing fay i Knapger andy 5 nox st i Lear cordon g Lovatt ark ue Marsden Pl 8 fartin John ry tiles Steve al torris Calin 2 rountfard Nevin 6 Parkinson Lionel “ Preston John 6 eate Hip 4 feynolds Tony 0 Shenton Jahn rn saith Terry 8 Suit John 0 Tittensor Pete 1 Neaver hil H whiter or Dave 7th. February 1994. Dear Sir, Please accept my apologies in respect of tonights meeting. As you may or may not be aware, I was recently appointed as the northern area representative of the " Gay Rights " potholing group for the "EXAMINATION of NATURALLY TIGHT REAR ENTRANCES " or E.N.T.R.E. for short, Unfortunately our European meeting will be held in Strasbourg during the coming week and it is imperative that I reach there by Tuesday at the latest, thus allowing me a full night in Basle. yours faithfully, ee : Gollno v.K. Faulkner. I just thought I would share with you a letter received off one of our members who could not make the monthly meeting. prrrrerrrrrererrrrTretrrrrtrrtrst ttt ii iii it iii MEETS AUGUST. SATURDAY 6th: - Mere Gill Hoke. Yorkshire, NGR SD 740757. Grade-IV, Depth-170m, Length-4.éem. SUNDAY 14th: Hammer Pot. Yoxkshine, NGR SD 853697. Grade-V. Depth-90m. Length-1036m. SATURDAY 272h:~- Littte Neath Rivex Cave. South Wales. Grade-III, Length-(4.8Km),[Shoat trip]. MONDAY 292h:~- Notts Pot. Yorkshixe, NGR SD 617778. Grade-IV. Depth-130m. SEPTEMBER. SUNDAY 4th:- White Scax Cave. Yorkshine, NGR SD 712745. Gaade-III/IV. Depth-?. Length-6.5km. SATURDAY 17th: - Gapping Gite. YourRshine, NGR SD 751727. Gaade-III/V. Depth-155m. Length-11.6Km. SUNDAY 25th: - Efdon Hoke. Dexbyshine, NGR 116804. Gaade-III. Depth-82m Length-Not Fan. peeeerertretirrerrittitrttrtttittittries tie ere, ALL CORRESPONDENCES TO BE SENT TO 7 CONDE 3. THE GREAT IOXS AVEN EXPEDITION. Brian Edmonds. Many of you in the club will have heard tell of “Knox's Aven" a promising drafting dig in Giants. For those who havn't, here is a brief resume. In the early seventy's Steve, also known as Colin and persons not named ( to protect their reputations ) explored an aven opposite Ghost Rift. On emerging from the Giants Windpipe Crawl you enter a large chamber. Immediately above and behind you is the fixed rope upto Ghost Rift. In front of you is Letter Box passage leading to the N.E. Swallet and the Oxlow connection. Off to the right is a high rift with a mass of calcite flow forming a sloping ledge. An interesting traverse over this, or a climb up to its far end leads to two further small climbs/squeezes (quite large really) to the base, an elliptical aven, roughly 4 feet by 8 feet at the base and 30 to 40 feet high. An inscription at the base reads CCPC 73. Steve and Co climbed & bolted up this aven to find apparently about 30 feet of hands and knees crawl leading to a partial calcite choke into which it was possible to push ones arm and which took a good draught. Several of us, having heard of this promised land, and believing a few hours work with hammer and chisel, or a little bang, would lead us to a continuation into an upper gallery long abandoned, ( a bit like the Giants Upper Series above the crabwalk and leading to Speedwell...) , went to have a look. The final team that turned up at Giants on 12th Feb were Darren & Neil Conde, Nigel Cooper, Ross Evans & myself, together with Pauls drill & batterys, hammers & chisels, 6mm bolts for the aven, and two delicate ammo tins requiring gentle handling. Ross and ‘I took the longer route via Bating House and Maggins Rift, to keep the drill dry, while the rest went via the Upper series and the Windpipe. While waiting for the others Ross and I looked at the letterbox - somebodies long term dig - and some small swallets in the floor of letterbox Passage. once all at the base of the aven, after climbing and traversing in, we gave Ross a rope end and sent him up the aven There was no need to worry about the émm spits being rusted up as there were already bolts and hangers rusted into the spits, and looking badly corroded. After much jibbering and whinging Ross finally entered the low crawl at the top of the Aven, emptying a pool over us as he did so, We fixed an old ( 25 years plus ) SRT rope to an in-situ hanger in the floor of the passage ( again corroded } and both Darren & Neil went up to have a look. Their combined reports deterred Nigel and Myself from trying the belays integrity. It appears that the passage is a flat out crawl that gets too low very quickly. The floor is of calcite over about 2-3 inches of loose fill, and this portion would be relatively easy to dig opening the passage upto a flat out crawl, The passage could be seen continuing as low or lower for about 20 feet, before going round a gentle corner. A draught and a small amount of water indicate some potential, but generally it was felt not worth it while other, easier of access and more promising digs exist. A fixed rope was left on the aven, but it is older (just) than the corroded bolts it is hanging from, which being a single belay in the floor of the passage leaves an interesting climb with major rub points. The inscription now reads:— C.C.P.C 73 Don't bother O48 We hastily exited via the Windpipe, and after a quick look at the High Avens in Chert Hall ( one has a fixed rope of unknown reliability hanging from it ), we went to Kev's party in search of beer and Steve..... RAR RRR RRR R REAR RARE AIRE EREE THEFTS CONTINUE The latest DCA Newsletter (83) notes a continuing problem with theft in the Derbyshire area. Vehicles are being broken into and all contents (not just valuables, but clothes and everything movable) removed; since the warning in Descent (117) there have been at least five more robberies. Another was foiled by a dog left in the car, but even this can have its dangers. This animal had seemingly been taunted land was in a state of distress; last year a dog left in the Daren Cilau car park in south Wales was injured Beware: leave someone with your vehicle, fit an alarm, and remove all clothes and valuables if you cannot. EASE GILL AIDS The old Fall Pot and Stake Pot ladders in the Ease Gill system are due to be removed and replaced with NCA anchors. The Stop Pot ladder will also be removed, but replaced with a new one RESCUE On arecent call out in GB cave the casualty ( who had a broken leg ) “died” on the way out for no apparent reason Fortunately due to an alert first aider, she was successfully resuscitated. Rescuers are advised to constantly monitor the state of casualties. -INSURANCE M.R. Insurance covers anyone asked by a controller to help on a rescue. Personnel on a practice are only covered if they are named team members. £ [ National Caving Conference 1994 | Harper Adams Agricultural College Newport, Shropshire 16th/17th/18th September 1994 Lectures Volunteer Helpers kes place. Although d, If you can help contact Keith Plumb at 38 Abington Road, Sale, Chesh Tel: 061 973 0612 Trade and Club Stands Details of trade and club stands and the exhibition space available can be obtained from Pothole man lies ii Pothele man | Man dies in Ramvevborr sense flooded rescuers ended in trage cave Pol le POTHOLER: was Sete Fo dnd hook ee REE wie ieaentertied filed “cave “yesterdey mareoetears Biles Gi boul ears "The unnamed man was Seonibta. were called in near "Sette, , North Worker after” Zrevor Toced, in “difficulties BEES act Edt Om Pallett eta by of a:local_potholing club, members of a Tel Pete hax head and back inj DAILY STAR, Monday, July 11, 1994