CCPC. Feb'97 Points of interest/information We have 300'200' jernmantle/leayline SRT ropes. Please keep them clean and in good condition. The "hodded" rope (and 2 other polypro) ropes were tested at about 1300lbs. We hope to replace these as soon as possible. '75 subs are due (£2 full memb. £1 A.M.) Please pay soon - we need the money (for rope) If you want a holiday - caving in Turkey - contact Greg Burns. Meets arranged so far: 15/16 Feb OFDII contact Mick Edge, Alan W. 7/8/9 March Birchfield / 22 March Notts 2/4/ May OFDII 24 May Lancaster. 19 July Lost Johns. Meregill Juniper Peak to be arranged. Long Rake?? + Others: Contact Rob/Alan/Ralph. 'Club do'. Red Bull 8pm Wed. 5th March. 500. It would help if you could let Alan know if you're coming. Sat 5th April DCRO AGM and STOMP. let’s have a decent turn out. Contact Ralph. There will be a mammoth weekend reserved round about May time. Hon Sec for '75 Ralph (Ring Gillow Heath 2753) Instead of a raffle - the hat will be passed round at meetings. - preferably for cash donations!! Fixed ladders should be on "Rob's Dig" by 10/2/75. If you go caving leave word with someone exaclty where you are going an expected time of return. If you go with club gear the Sec. should be informed. Past Members. Why not come to the "Do"? Better still why not come on a meet? The club is more alive than ever. You put in the effort into the club in the "bad old days" - why not come and reap the benefits. PAUL HOLDCROFT