CREWE ELIMBING AND PotHounsé CLuB MSLETTR WAR. 1964 No.4 The A.G.M. tock place on Monday Sth. January at the Bleeding Wolf, The officer's reports for 1983 were delivered and suprisingly the Treasurer, John Shenton reported wo actually had money in the bank,(suprising because at the end of 1982 we hadi an over-draft of over £100) Well done Jokn A proposed increase in subs. from & to £7 was accepted, but anyone paying before the end of March wi: from the Nat, West. to the Co-op bank, as this would save money in bank charges. still get a reduction of £2, It was also decided to change banks Due to the extra workload imposed on the Training Officer, with the new policy of ‘in club! training for novice members, it was decided to elect an assistant Training Officer, and Phil Marston was duly elected, officers for 196, were elected as follows :- Chairman ~ Ralph Johnson, Secretary - Cliff Jones, Treasurer - John Shenton, Training Officer - Paul Holdcroft, Assistant Training Officer - Phil Marston, Tackle Officers - Tony Gamble and Kevin Mountford. I would like to thank the retiring officers for the splendid work they did in 1963. 1983 wes a very active caving year and I've listed below the caves visited during the year.(Anusber after the cave denotes the number of visits, and where there is ro number the cave was visited only once.) LOCAL Jackpot (8), Giant's (10), Carlswark (7), Alderley Bage, Persaverence (3), Lay-by (2), Nettle (5), Knotlow (8), Hillook's (3) Peak Cavern, Gautries (4) Rowter (3), Bldon (5), Water Icicle (5), Jug Holes (2), Mandale Mine (2), Axe Hole (2) Wills Founder Mine , Dudley Mine and Robin shaft. YORKSHIRE Lancaster (4),Pipikin (2), Al: Pot (2), Lost Joh Bar Pot (2), Sell Gill Holes, Swinsto, Notts Pot, Yordas, Dicoan, Long Kin Long Kin West, Juniper Gulf, Newby Mess, Birks Fell, Kingsdale, Heron Pot, Jockey Hole, Dissapointment Pot, Rowten, Gavel, Bull Pot of the Witches. S.Wales 0.P.D. (3), Danyr Ogof, Cwm Dwr, Mendips Thrupe Lane Swallet, Hunters Hole (2), Swildons (2), Lamb-Leer (2), Rhino Rift, North Hill Swallrt, St. Cuthberts. The most active cavers of 1983 were Melvyn Bratt (45 trips) Cli Kevin Mountfora (34 trips) and Phil Marston (29 trips). The above statistics have been taken solely from the ‘club log* and I make no (2), Gaping G1 Jones (40 trips) appologies for caves or trips missing from the list. The log book is always available when requested. I also have no doubt that Phil and Kevin were in actual fact the most active cavers, but not according to the log book! continued, Conspicuous by it's absence from the afore-mentioned statistics is of course the trip to the Gouffre Berger. 16 members of 0.C.P.C. took part in the expedition which lett dia was without doubt a huge success. John G: a fantastic job with the not uncomplicated organization, and the report which he produced is excellent, The Gouffre Berger report is well written , well produced and I'm sure it is now the difinitive publication for anyone planning a trip to this cave, Tet us hope 1984 is as successful and as active as last year has been, and I'd like to re-iterate what has t said befo: not caving as much as you would like, it only takes a tele) one cal . There is a new members list attached to the back of +! Newsletter - use it cliff Jones. / FRANKENSTEIN'S_CAVER John Gillett's brain. (Anyone who can sell plastic bags to 50 people for £30 must be clever) Anthony Bothan's hair. (He was glad to get }<—_—_———_Teny Reynola's head. (The rid of it) previous owner had knocked it about a bit, so it was cheap ) Geoff Millington's voice (all monsters shoula have a West Midlands accent) Ralph Johnson's arn (The shontest in the olub ‘and when used with deep pockets it's immpossible to get your monay out to f ‘buy a round) Homeless noth Tony Gauble's ara ——> | | (The strongest in the club) cliff Jones' gut (Already used to vast ‘amounts of aleahol) ~ Melv Bratt's wallet. (Renoval of this caused the donor to faint) Terry Leg's palls , Kevin Mountford's foot (2 feet make a pair and these are a right pairt!) Phil Marston's foot 2: -EIRS?_ATD IN CAVING. On Priday 13th. Dec. Doctor Paul Cooper gave a lecture on Pirst Aid,unfortunately only 8 people turned up which was disappointing to say the least, I hope T*m with one of these 8 when the next incident happens - especially to ae tt The following is a sunmary of the bare essentials, Ican't hope to go into the more complex issues covered such as fitting airways, Now for the action, First of ell avoid making the situation worse by causing further injury to anyone in the party, inoluding the casualty and yourself, Next cones the "ABC" of Pirst Add. A= Airway, check breathing regularly and give nouth to mouth, if necessary, Use the “coma” (recovery) position if the casualty is unconsious, check the breathing is not impaired by the tongue or vomit. B= Bleeding, stop bleeding by using direct pressure and anything you can lay your hands on, to make a pad,if more padding is required put it on top of the old pad. DO NOT USE A TORNNTQUET. ¢ = Cirevlation, maintain circulation to the brain by keeping the casualty flat, with the head low and the legs raised; ie. treat for shock, Should the heart stop, try cardiac massage, alternate this with ,A,R (External Artificial Resperation) as required. You can do little in the event of internal bleeding which will alaost certainly occur in cases of fracture of the long bones,a fall or erush (boulder). The nost likely cause of death will be due to exposure. The casualty must be kept wara(use inititive, but better still a poly, bag or space blanket ).The casualty must also be kept supplied with high calorie food, og. Mars Bars. NEVER give aleahol as this will accelerate heat loss, Aleshol is also inadvisable before any caving trip, apparantly it aesses up the blood sugar level, even in saall amounts such as one half pint, So please - no more six packs on tripst? Fractures were also covered ~ the only brief information I can give is treat it seriously and innobilise as possible, We now have 2 large expedition first eid kits, plus a couple of surface kits, SAFE CAVING, Ralph Johnson, RAFFLE No doubt by now you haye all cursed the arrival of your raffle ticketst Do your best to sell then sll, and if you want more ASK! If you ean't sellthem all, don't eave it until the last minute before returning thes. Return unsold tickets,money and counterfoils by the end of Februsry. If all the £200 worth of tickets are sold, our profit is £132, which means that much less on subs. It pays YOU to do your best. Ralph Johnson, GLIFF'S PROBLEM PAGE. While it is not the policy of this publication to indulge in correspondance with individuals in the "Dear Margie * vein, the editor recently received a letter fron a Mrs, X (name and address supplied). I think the problem ouflined in the letter is relevent to caving, and in particular, to the so called “Caving Widow " I have printed the letter below, together with my personal reply, others may disagree but it might prompt cavers in this particular situation to think again. Dear Editor, May I, through your publication, outline ay plight and the plight of other women in a similar position, as the wives of cavers. Most week-onds my husband 4s out caving, sometizes just on a Sunday, but mostly he’s away all week-end.I explained to him how much I missed him, andhow I got very lonely while he's away, and he suggested that I get a pet, I uust admit the idea didn*t appeal to me much at first, but after a while, I realized that it just might be the answer, If I had a dog, I could take it for walks, teach it tricks and generally have a really good friend to whom I coula talk and confide, However when I suggested @ canine companion, he went "spare", saying that it would be too expensive and muck the house up ete. Well I don't know what to do, I'd like a pet, but al] my suggestions don’t seem to please him, can you help, Dear Mrs. X Your problem isn't restricted to wives of cavers, it is applicable to a lot of other sports og. Angling, sky diving, ferreting eto. I think a pet is » great solution, and while e dog would seem to be perfect, they are oxpensive to maintain, It seems to me your choice of pet should be considered carefully,and I may be able to help you in this matter. Have you ever thought of a WOOD LOUSE! I bet you havn't, Think of the advanteges of” having a wood louse as a pet. Food-wise a matchstick a month would be quite sufficiant, and the empty matohbox would make a perfect "kennel", The muck generated by a wood-louse on a matchstick # month would be negligable. Taking your pet for a walk would prove no problem, with your louse in his "kennel" in your pocket, even on the wettest days there would be no auddy footprints to wipe up. However all is not perfect and there are some disadvantages in having a wood-louse as a pet, As the IQ. of a wood-louse is only marginally higher thanthe IQ. ofa bit of navel fluff, teaching it to “roll over and die for the Queen” will take a lot of patience and probably more tine than your average wood-louse life spen, and the indecision caused by asking for a paw may cause your: multi-legged pet to expire prenaturely. Teaching your wood-louse to roll over and sonersault can be achieved by giving the matchbox an occasional rapid and severe sheking, who knons the louse aight just get the right idea, if only to avoid the attacks of aigraine. continued, Talking te a wood-louse will of course be exactly the same as talking to « dog, ut you should consider the reaction of your neighbours, who might see you walling down the road chattering meddly to matchboxt{ and lets be honest anyone who can have a deep and meaningful conversation with a wood-louse needs. more: advice than can be given he! C.Jones. (editor) MAINTAINANCE OF LEAD-ACTD CELLS. A brief reminder; When topping up cells remember: Exide batteries should be inolined backwards at 45°0ldhams at 10°forwards. Top up to the level of the holes. Cheek liquid levels every 4 or 5 cycles. Don't charge at uore than 1 amp. Don*t leave lamps in a discharged condition. Ralph Johnson. DERBYSHIRE WEEK-END. It has been proposed thet we have a "club" week-end in Derbyshire on 16th/17th June. Hopefully everyone will attend, since the idea is to enable members and wives to socialise in addition to fitting in « couple of caving trips, Giants - Oxlow will be rigged on the Saturday, but equipment will be available for ary trip you fancy.On the Saturdey evening we hope to mest and camp, probably at Bdale, and have a barbacue or something similer, I would be grateful for information on B&B'S nearby, and opinions as te wether we should perhaps use the Orpheus hut.I have detaile of a couple of self-catering huts we could hire, and I will make this info, available at the next meeting. clirf Jones, In the unlikely event of you being involved in 2 cave reseue, plesse remember to say nothing to the press. All enquiries should be refered to the controller at the incident, or the DCRO Sec, Bill Whitehouse. A lot of bad publicity can result from apparently innocent comments.(I can remember in '59 (1959 that is) one of our members commenting to a reporter "bloody fairies” when asked what he had seen in Peak Cavern, The headlines that night read -*Rescuers have hallucinations’) Whilst on the subject of rescues, don't forget the rescue practice on Sat, Peb, 25th, This will involve a surface and underground search in an unknown systen, followed by continued an evacuation (no Phil - the casualty this time.) using a winch. The new "talking rope” and gas testing techniques might also be available. A THOUGHT FOR CONSERVATION. Take nowt but pictures, Leave nowt but footprints Kill nowt but time. Ralph Johnson. only days after becoming Secretary I received a 'phone call from the lady Chairperson of Stockport Topless Ladies Sadism Society, concerning a week-end caving course. Unfortunately the dear lady rang me agein the following day to eancel the course, because she was unable to whip up enough support. cliff Jones. FOR SALE. G.C.P.C, Cloth sewon badges £1.00 Apply Cliff Jones. Exclusive C.0,P.C. Tshirts, black with white logo, £3.00 Apply Ralph Johnson, Gouffre Berger Reports, Price on request. Apply John Gillett. Large size anno, tubes , waterproof. £2.00 Apply Paul Holdcroft. Carbide, large sise, half price, (proceeds to €.C.P.C.) Apply Ralph Johnson. Duracell 4} volt flat batteries, £1,00 (proceeds to C.C.P.C. ) Apply Ralph Johnson, You can now buy an adaptor to fit your Petsl battery case so that it will accept 5 AA rechargeable oells, from Inglesport. WANTED. Sherpa to carry miscellaneous equipment, including large anmo, box. Apply Geriatrics Anonymous. Lsbour for promising digs - sce 'Pinds* book. FUTURE MEETS SAT 25th. Feb. Rescue Practice Sut 4th, Mar, Nick Pot, Diccan, Alun ete. SUN 11th, Mar, Lancaster Hole. SAT/SUN 17th/18th Mar. Agen Allwedd, SUN 25th, Mar, Juniper Gujf, Long Churn. Sa? 7th, Apr. Youth Course Ilan. SUN 15th. Apr. Meregill, Bleck Shiver Tathan Wife. SUN 29th. Apr. Grange Rig To Xmas, SUN 6th, May. G.G, ete. SAT/SUN 19th/20th May. St. Cuthberts. SAT 26th May. (For one week) Ireland. SUN 10th. June Dow ~ Providence, SAT/SUN 14th/15th, Dan-yr-Ogef. (July) SUN 15th. July Otter Hole, SUN 8th, July Lest John's, *# SUN 29th. July Gavel, Notts Fot. SUN 15th, Sept. Wotts Pot, *** Please note that the entry for Sunday Sth July is out of chronological order. There is a pregosed trip to Norway and anyone who is interested should contaot:- Doug Steff. Anyone who is interested in the Irish trip and who can make their own transport arrangnents should contact := Cliff Jones. The Chairman Informs ne, that in future, he intends to start the monthly club meetings prompt at 8.00pm. and anyone who wants a say in club policy should be there by that time,otherwise sociabilities will start at about 8.45pm. ~ If anyone, who is unable to buy the quaterly Newsletter on e regular basis, would like to reosive them by post,I am quite willing to post thom. The cost is £1.00, and this will cover the cost of i, Newsletters and the postage. Any member who is uneble to attend meetings will be sent a quarterly "Meets List" automatically , postage paid without request. C.C.P.C, MEMBERS AND C.R.0. TEAM 198) Ralph Johnson clire Jones Paul Holderoft Tony Gamble Phil Marsden Kevin Mountford, John Shenton ‘Tony Reynolds Alan Walker Melvyn Bratt Zig Wezase John Gillett Anthony Botham Paul Shenton Steve Hewken Keith Walker Alan Soragg re a Redacted Terry Ball Brian Kirkland Mick Bdge Stan Kowalik Simon Leech Ron Beckett Andrew Beckett Helen Pierpoint Mark Sherwin John Parton Ken Griffiths Heather Griffiths Lionel Howarth Rob Heath Andrew Briscoe Geoff Millington Keith Davies Dave Biiley Pete Steadman Iyan Sprostcn Maloola Juup Pete Heath Doug Staff Adan Baker Mick Farnell Richard Moffatt Pete Forster Mark Wilson Alan Steele Roger Ferguson Liam Kealy Redacted