Crewe Climbing and Potholing Club


We are an active and friendly caving club that welcomes both new and experienced cavers. Despite our name, we are mainly a caving club, though some members do climb as well. We are mostly based in Cheshire and Staffordshire, but some members live further away. Our caving and mine exploration takes place locally in the Peak District and Yorkshire Dales and further afield in this country and abroad.

Find out more about us.

If you are totally new to caving and want to know what it is all about, then read What We Do and Why We Do It.

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Latest News

The latest news from the club. Just the most recent updates appear here. All the news, including older news (olds?) can be found from the News page.

P8 and Rigging Guide

Tue, Feb 4 2025

A trip to P8 on Saturday, with three members visiting Ben's Dig to look at the progress Sheffield University Speleological Society (SUSS) have made. They have removed an impressive depth of mud!

The rigging guide topo for P8 has a small alteration. The length of rope recommended for the true second pitch has been increased to 18m.

Maskhill Mine. Saturday 18th January 2025

Sun, Jan 19 2025

A change of plan. Instead of the scheduled trip to Longcliffe Mine, we decided to do the trip that was cancelled by snow earlier in the month. Seven of us went underground on a cold and misty day in Maskhill Mine. We descended to West Chamber, where we found TSG member Luke Brock preparing to dive a sump at the end if an inlet between the West Antechamber and West Chamber. Gaz and Jenny went out via the already rigged Oxlow entrance. The others returned via Maskhill.

In Wharf Climbing Shaft, Gaz McShee has continued to remove rocks dropped by vandals during the summer that were blocking the way on in to the rest of the system.

Newsletter 158. December 2024

Thu, Jan 9 2025

Our most recent newsletter is now available to read.

Cancelled Maskhill - Oxlow Trip

Sun, Jan 5 2025

Lots of snow and an amber weather warning lead us to abandon the planned trip today.

Try Caving

Try Caving

We can arrange supervised caving trips for individuals, or for small groups, with all equipment provided. Our ability to do this was initially funded through a National Lottery grant. If you are interested, then please get in touch.

Peak District Rigging Guide

The CCPC Peak District Rigging Guide has moved on-line. The most comprehensive collection of SRT rigging topos for the Peak and free to use by all cavers. Accessible by clicking, or tapping the book below and via a link in the menu on any page.

CCPC Rigging Guide

News Feed & Social Media

We have an RSS feed. Get notified when the latest CCPC news, gossip and scandal breaks!

RSS Feed

We also have a Facebook presence.

Click here to Find us on Facebook.

Yordas Pot in Kingsdale, with some club members. Video © Gareth Williams 2024.

Caving Conservation Code

As a club we aim to minimise the impact we have on the cave environment by following the BCA Caving Conservation Code.

  1. Cave with care and thought for the environment.
  2. Disturb nothing whether living or geological.
  3. Avoid touching formations.
  4. Keep to marked routes and never cross conservation tapes.
  5. Take nothing but photographs.
  6. Do not pollute the cave, leave nothing behind.

Risk Statement

As a club, Crewe Climbing & Potholing Club (C.C.P.C.) recognizes that the activities undertaken by Club Members may involve a danger of personal injury or death. As participants in such activities, all adult Members of C.C.P.C. (including Temporary Members) must be aware of, and accept, these risks, and must be responsible for their own actions, and for their own safety. [CCPC Risk Statement. 01-01-2015]

Privacy Statement

Cavers like cookies, but only the sort you can eat. The domain itself sets no cookies. We try and prevent any third party services on the site, like YouTube from spying on you when you are just visiting, but if you click Play on one of the embedded YouTube videos, then their parent company Google will start slurping up data.

Any information sent to us with a site contact form, or email address will be treated confidentially and only used for the purpose of answering your query.

This web site is copyright © Crewe Climbing and Potholing Club 2019 to unless otherwise stated. Some content on the site is used under license from other sources. This page details their sources and the license used.

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